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Goulburn High School

Goulburn High School

Justice and Tenacity

Telephone02 4821 4022


Positive Education Systems

We aim to create a positive aspirational and inclusive culture here at Goulburn High School.

We are a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school and students are rewarded with PBL points for positive contributions around the school. We have also trained teachers to understand the Berry Street Education Model, which provides teachers’ strategies to engage students in trauma informed practices. These two evidence-based models have been utilised to inform the Goulburn High School strategic direction.

P.E.S brings together the whole-school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture. The framework assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes.

When the PBL and Berry Street Education Model, are implemented well, teachers and students have more time to focus on relationships and classroom instruction. Students and staff benefit from:

· reduced inappropriate behaviour

· increased time focused on instruction

· improved social and emotional wellbeing

· positive and respectful relationships among students and staff

· support for teachers to teach, model and respond effectively to student need

· a predictable learning environment where staff and students know what is expected to deliver effective practices that can be sustained over time

Student Driven Rewards System

Student voice and student agency is very important to the staff of Goulburn High School. The students have been surveyed to find out what rewards they would like attached to the PBL point system. Our student leadership team has been part of the development of this system and a number of excursions and rewards are planned each year.

Students benefit from:

· civic participation in the implementation and continual improvement of the school’s policies and procedures

· the communication of clearer expectations to students and staff

· an award system that reflects their preferences and values

· the development of communication, interpersonal and leadership skills in regular meetings held to create and implement an action plan

· the development of analytical skills from collecting and analysing survey data.