Goulburn High School

Justice and Tenacity

Telephone02 4821 4022




VISUAL ARTS                                                                                                    15400

Course: Visual Arts                                                    Category:  A

2 units for each of Preliminary and HSC  

Board Developed Course

Exclusions between Content Endorsed Courses and the Board Developed Visual Arts course:

Ceramics  - Products developed cannot be used as a Body of Work in Visual Arts

Furnishing – the Furnishing Integrated project(s) cannot be used as a Body of Work

Photography – Visual Arts HSC Photography Body of Work

Visual Design – Products developed cannot be used as a Body of Work in Visual Arts

Course Description:

Visual Arts involves students in the practices of artmaking, art criticism and art history.  Students develop their own artworks culminating in a ‘body of work' in the HSC course that reflects students' knowledge and understanding about the practice and which demonstrates their ability to resolve a conceptually strong work.  Students critically investigate works, critics, historians and artists from Australia as well as those from other cultures, traditions and times.

The Preliminary course is broad, while the HSC course provides for deeper, increasingly more independent investigations.  While the course builds on Visual Arts courses in Stages 4 and 5, it also caters for students with more limited experience in Visual Arts.

Main Topics Covered:

Preliminary Course learning opportunities focus on:

·         The nature of practice in artmaking, art criticism and art history through different investigations

·         The role and function of artists' artwork, the world and audience in the artworld

·         The frames and how students might develop their own informed points of view

·         How students may develop meaning and focus and interest in their work

·         Building understandings over time through various investigations and working in different forms.

HSC Course learning opportunities focus on:

·         How students may develop their own informed points of view in increasingly more independent ways using the frames

·         How students may develop their own practice of artmaking, art criticism, and art history applied to selected areas of interest

·         How students may learn about the relationships between artist, artwork, world and audience within the artworld

·         How students may further develop meaning and focus in their work.

Particular Course Requirements:

Preliminary Course

·         Artworks in at least 2 forms and use of a process diary

·         a broad investigation of media in art criticism and art history

HSC Course

·         development of a body of work and use of a process diary

·         a minimum of 5 artist Case Studies (4–10 hours each)

·         deeper and more complex investigations of ideas in art criticism and art history.

SKILLS / APTITUDE                         Important                               Not so important

Essay Writing                                     *

Research                                            *

Oral Reporting                                                                                                *

Practical work                                     *

Working in a group or team                                                                *

Meeting Deadlines                              *

Other considerations:

Fees:  $40 per year (Students will need to purchase a work diary).

Other costs:      Depending on nature of major works, students may need to purchase additional                                                      equipment/materials.

Assessment:  HSC Course only

External Assessment


Internal Assessment


A one and a half hour written examination paper

Submission of a body of work




Development of the body of work

Art criticism and art history