Goulburn High School

Justice and Tenacity

Telephone02 4821 4022


As members of society we all have different roles to play.  We can be a consumer, producer, worker, manager, voter, unionist and so on.  The study of Commerce enables students to better understand these roles and how the commercial world functions.
Commerce examines people's business activities, how people earn their income, how and why people buy goods and services, how people organise their financial affairs and what types of goods are produced.  Commerce also examines the ways in which governments and the law influence our business activities.  Commerce helps students face the realities of the world of work, changing technology, consumer problems and government decisions and actions.
Topics covered in the core components of the course are; Consumer Choice, Personal Finance, Law and Society and Employment Issues.
Topics covered in the options component include; Investing, Promoting and Selling, e-Commerce, Global Links, Travel, Political Involvement, Law in Action, Our Economy, Community Participation and Running a Business.
Through gaining knowledge and understanding and developing skills, students of Commerce will develop personal competence and the ability to participate responsibly in the commercial world.